StartApplicationsApplication to weigh cattle by photo

Application to weigh cattle by photo

Modern technology offers innovative solutions in various fields, including agriculture. One of the most interesting innovations is the use of applications to weigh cattle using photos. These apps represent a significant advancement, allowing farmers to monitor the health and growth of their herd efficiently and accurately. In this article, we'll explore some of these apps, all of which are available for download and usable anywhere in the world.

CattleWeight App

The “CattleWeight App” is a revolutionary solution in the field of livestock farming. This app uses advanced algorithms to analyze photos of cattle and estimate their weight accurately. The process is simple: the user takes a photo of the animal and the application processes the image, providing a weight estimate in a few seconds. The big advantage is the ease of use and the possibility of monitoring the animals' weight progress over time. Furthermore, the “CattleWeight App” is easily accessible and can be downloaded on various application platforms.



“Stockman” is another innovative application that offers the functionality of weighing cattle by photo. With a user-friendly, easy-to-navigate interface, this app allows breeders to take photos of their herd and get weight estimates instantly. “Stockman” stands out for its precision and the ability to store historical data, making it easier to monitor the growth and health of animals. “Stockman” is available to download on various app stores, making it accessible to users across the world.



“Beefie” is a technological solution that is gaining popularity among livestock farmers. This app uses computer vision technology to analyze photos of cattle and estimate their weight. The process is straightforward: the user takes a photo of the cattle, and the app uses its advanced algorithms to provide a weight estimate. “Beefie” is known for its high accuracy and for offering valuable insights into the physical condition of cattle. Available globally, this app can be easily found and downloaded on various app platforms.


“Cowculator” is a practical and efficient application for weighing cattle using photos. This application stands out for its intuitive interface and the speed with which it processes images and provides results. Using cutting-edge technology, “Cowculator” analyzes the dimensions of cattle in photos and accurately estimates their weight. Furthermore, it offers the option of monitoring the development of animal weight over time, which is essential for effective herd management. Downloading “Cowculator” is simple and available on several application platforms.



Finally, we have “VetMeasure”, a versatile application that, in addition to estimating cattle weight from photos, offers several other useful features for breeders. With a clear interface and a simplified usage process, “VetMeasure” allows users to quickly take photos of their herd and receive weight estimates. This app also includes health and welfare monitoring features, making it a comprehensive tool for herd management. “VetMeasure” is available for download on several platforms, making it easier for users around the world to access.


In short, apps for weighing cattle by photo represent a significant change in the way farmers can manage their herds. With their ease of download and use, these technological tools are making agriculture more efficient and productive globally.

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