StartApplicationsApps to stop smoking

Apps to stop smoking

Quitting smoking is one of the most beneficial decisions you can make for your health. Smoking is a leading cause of several serious illnesses, including cancer, heart disease and respiratory problems. Fortunately, with modern technology, there are several tools that can help with this process. Smoking cessation apps are affordable and effective, and can be downloaded anywhere in the world. Here are some of the best apps available to help you quit smoking for good.

Smoke Free

O Smoke Free is an application widely used by those who want to stop smoking. Available globally, it offers more than 20 evidence-based techniques that help reduce tobacco cravings. In addition, the app has progress diaries where the user can track how many days they have been without smoking, how much money they have saved and how their health has improved since then. Smoke Free is free to download, with in-app purchase options for additional features.



O QuitNow! is another prominent app in the journey against smoking. Its main attraction is the active community of ex-smokers, where users can share their experiences and achievements. This social support can be crucial for many people trying to quit smoking. QuitNow! also provides detailed statistics on the user's health benefits since their last cigarette. This app is available for download on multiple platforms, ensuring that people all over the world can access it.


My QuitBuddy

My QuitBuddy is an application developed by the Australian government, but available worldwide. It helps users plan and execute an action plan to quit smoking, offering features such as motivational reminders, games to distract during nicotine cravings, and a money saved counter. The app also allows users to personalize their goals and track their progress, making the smoking cessation experience more personalized and motivating.


With a playful and gamified approach, the Kwit uses psychology techniques to help users overcome nicotine addiction. By using Kwit, users level up and complete challenges as they stay smoke-free. The app also offers support in moments of weakness, providing quick and motivational tips to avoid relapses. Kwit is free to download, and it is available in multiple languages, making it accessible to a global audience.


Quit Smoking

O Quit Smoking is another useful app that focuses on gradually reducing your nicotine intake. It allows users to set a timeline for quitting smoking, offering constant support along the way. This app also records the user's progress, showing not only money saved but also health improvements such as blood pressure and oxygen levels. It's an excellent tool for those who prefer a step-by-step approach to quitting smoking.


Quitting smoking can be a challenge, but with the help of the right apps, this process can become more manageable. Each of these apps offers a range of features designed to support users on their journey to a cigarette-free life. These apps are available to download globally, allowing people in all parts of the world to access tools that can save their lives.

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